Book Review - The Garden


There are authors that will never disappoint the reader. Jon Gordon is one of those authors. If you go to his website (, you will not only see all the books he has written, but also words such as inspiring, vision, passion, positivity, and purpose (words we so need to be expressed in our lives today). In one of his latest books, The Garden, you will find each of these words interwoven in its pages. The book is both helpful and informative for those overcome by fear and anxiety - two emotions most people feel to some degree today with so much turmoil in the world. Each of us is in a daily battle with evil, but trusting God with our lives helps us overcome the devil’s attempt to take us down. Gordon, through the use of fictional characters, points out the “5 D’s” that the devil seeks to bring to the table - everyone’s table. The 5 D’s are Doubt, Distort, Discourage, Distract, and Divide. But don’t let him. Gordon states “the battleground between good and evil begins in our heart, mind, and soul.” To win this battle, read how Gordon drives home the point that God loves us and has a plan for each of us. That’s inspiring and gives each of us purpose.

The Garden - read this small, but powerful book today. Then get to know, and follow, God’s will for your life.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 29:11


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